Remington 1911 R1 Reviews

Remington 1911 R1 Reviews

Remington 1911 R1 Review

Remington 1911 R1

Remington 1911 R1 Review

January 12, 2018 by

The Remington was not my first choice in the price range. I really had wanted a Ruger SR1911, as I am a huge fan of Ruger firearms. That is actually what I went into the store to have ordered when I saw the R1 in the case. I'm a sucker for milspec guns, and really enjoyed my milspec Springfield, but unfortunately had to sell it at a point when money was tight. The Remington when I picked it up was the smoothest handling 1911 I've handled in the price range. Slide racked back with ease, trigger was exceptional, although does have a bit of creep. The store was having a sale of $50 off any gun in stock, which made this gun almost $200 cheaper then the Ruger, so I took it home. And it was great....for the first box and a half of ammo.

Remington 1911 R1 Review

Remington 1911 R1

Remington 1911 R1 Review

January 12, 2018 by

I have this thing with image association. When someone says “truck” I picture a Chevy. When someone says “dog” I picture a Labrador. And when someone says “pistol” I picture a 1911. I don’t know where that one came from, but there are worse associations to have. I’m looking at you, Hi-Point.

Remington 1911 R1 Review

Remington 1911 R1

Remington 1911 R1 Review

January 12, 2018 by

Everyone assumed its 1911 would be traditionally styled, especially considering the 1911’s 100-year anniversary was rapidly approaching, and Remington did not disappoint. The R1 does have classic looks, but if you were one of those people hoping for an identical copy of its classic Remington-UMC, you’re out of luck.